VIP 1/2 Day for WiX Website Design Help
For current WiX site owners looking for hands-on design help: a 4-hour deep-dive session
Service Description
So, you've got a WiX site up and running, but it's not looking the way you want? Perhaps it's just not WOWING visitors, or it doesn't feel like YOU at all. In this 1/2 day hands-on VIP session, we first assess exactly what your needs are, then I come onto your site as a guest editor and fix the design features you want to change, in real-time, with our screens shared. Now, this isn't a total site redesign - we only have so much time - but here's the concept: if you've been struggling with mastering the design tools to get your pages to look just the way you want, or want out of the perpetual learning curve, I can step in and help. Think of it like having a Marketing Director slash WiX Partner who comes in and, using a little magic (aka resourcefulness, ingenuity, creative outside-the-box thinking), can make things just... better. Examples of what we can do in a session: - Come up with a new and improved home page (one that actually does what you want it to do!) - Ensure your personal brand is coming through loud and clear - Fix design mistakes, inconsistencies, and other blunders of reasonable proportions - Make the site "look and feel more like you" (you're not alone -- being objective about ourselves is terribly difficult to do) - Add a new design feature or business basic (like an email list sign up) that you are not sure how to implement You are: - A coach or creative business owner looking to get 'the site stuff' done - and you've been looking for a time-saving shortcut - Creatively stuck as to what to do to improve your site and/or make it more appealing to your market - Someone who really needs to to add a new page or design feature but your busy schedule keeps pushing this task to the bottom of your list Important: This VIP session is ideal for design-related and navigation improvements, solving messaging & core site functions. It is not sufficient time to implement a more complex WiX Business Solution to your site (ex: WiX Bookings, WiX Blog, WiX Store) unless you've done a lot of the legwork already, are are ready to implement. These integrations require forethought, strategy, not to mention time to set up. If you are interested in this, please shoot me a message on the contact page; I may be able to help you on an hourly basis or can provide you with the necessary prep steps. Not sure exactly what you need design-wise (but definitely *something*)? That's OK. Book a session and we can unblock ideas together. That's kinda my jam.
Cancellation Policy
You can reschedule your own booking in the Member's area up to 48 hours in advance. To cancel your booking, please contact us a minimum of 24 hours in advance. Thank you
Contact Details